Our Products
When Billy Isle made his first amputee sock, his goal was to improve the life of one amputee. That vision continues at Knit-Rite to this day. Although we take pride in knowing that our products are the highest quality, we stay humble in our knowledge that even the highest quality can always improve. That’s why our product research relies on the relationships we’ve built with medical professionals—doctors, practitioners, and fitters—to provide valuable input on patient needs, comfort, and compliance. In addition, we conduct extensive consumer research, including focus groups, wear testers, and consumer panels, to ensure that the products we manufacture are durable, comfortable, and meet the needs of the patient.
Quality First
Quality is one thing that sets Knit-Rite products apart from the rest. Quality is the most important factor that goes into each Knit-Rite product. We don’t just say that. We live it day in and day out.
Quality starts with research. We can make a superior product, but if it doesn’t meet a need for one of our patients or customers, it doesn’t help anyone. One of the best resources for research is our customer base. When our customers contact us with ideas, we listen.
Another great resource for research is medical professionals. Knit-Rite maintains a good working relationship with physicians and practitioners that would prescribe our products who can provide valuable insight into what challenges their patients have and what products would meet their needs.
Significant research is also done into trends, including colors, patterns, and styles. Physicians are most concerned with patient compliance. If patients are more comfortable in the look of what they are wearing, they typically will be more compliant.
During development of new products, Knit-Rite does significant testing in materials to ensure that the materials that our products are made from are the most comfortable and the most durable.
Once the R&D department has settled on what seems to be the best possible product, Knit-Rite moves into the next stage of research and development. The products go through consumer panels and focus groups, as well as extensive wear testing. This critical step can draw attention to product flaws that were not detected in initial development stages.
Quality doesn’t end there, however. Quality is checked as the product moves through production. Products that don’t match our high standards are pulled from the production line. The last stage in the production process includes an extensive inspection. Only the best of the best are packaged and shipped to our customers.
Quality continues to improve as new and more innovative processes are discovered. We know that innovation is the key to progress.
Our Story
Proudly Made in the USA
Our Culture
Lifting Us All to New Levels
Our Future
Becoming a Global Company
Our Products
Quality First